Kesuke Miyagi, otherwise known as Nariyoshi Miyagi and Mr. Miyagi, is the overarching protagonist of The Karate Kid franchise. He was portrayed by the late Pat Morita, who also voiced The Emperor of China in Mulan.
Thank you for this! This was the perfect guide to help me write my new bio! I’m Jay Cartere – a YouTuber, marketer and author who teaches frustrated creators how to grow on YouTube and turn their passion into a business.
Slapstick of Another Kind is a American comic science fiction film starring Jerry Lewis, Madeline Kahn and Marty was filmed in , and released in March by both The S. Paul Company/Serendipity Entertainment Releasing Company and International Film Marketing.
Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. (born November 30, ; died May 2, ) was an actor who played Justin Hammer, taking over for Tony Steedman, and Firepower on Iron Man as well as Doctor Octopus and a butler on Spider-Man. He is most famous for playing Alfred Pennyworth in the DC Animated Universe playing the role on Batman: The Animated Series, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, Batman & Mr. Freeze.
Christophe de Margerie, le PDG de Total, est décédé lundi soir dans un crash d'avion près de Moscou. Il restera comme l’un des patrons les plus influents en France qui a tenté d’humaniser.
Austrian-born American actress Hedy Lamarr (–) was among the leading screen sirens of Hollywood in the s. Her life was an eventful one that involved six marriages, a groundbreaking electronic invention, and several cinematic milestones.
A.A. Milne was born in London in and became a successful playwright and poet. He based Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet and friends on the real nursery toys of his son Christopher Robin and published the first of their adventures in
McDonnell was a lieutenant colonel in the United States Army. He served in the Virginia House of Delegates from to , and was Attorney General of Virginia from to McDonnell was elected Governor of Virginia on the back of the campaign slogan, "Bob's for Jobs", defeating Democratic state Senator Creigh Deeds by a point.
1. “Alexander Hamilton” by Ron Chernow. Ron Chernow has written the consummate biography of Alexander Hamilton. As one of America’s previously miscast heroes, Hamilton is now securely back in the pantheon of iconic founding fathers, and rightfully so.
Cade Skywalker is the descendant of Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade Skywalker and Ben Skywalker, the son of Kol Skywalker and the nephew of Nat Skywalker. He is a protagonist of the Star Wars: Legacy comic book series from Dark Horse, which takes place years after Return of the Jedi.
Cyril Meir Scott was an English composer and poet known especially for his piano and orchestral music. In the early 20th century, Scott established a musical reputation in continental Europe with his Piano Quartet in E Minor () and Second Symphony ().
La estancia de don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla en San Felipe primero y, en el pueblo de Dolores después, le permitieron ganarse la confianza y el afecto de sus fieles, se dedicó a la enseñanza de nobles oficios como la alfarería, la carpintería, el curtido de pieles y la cría del gusano de seda, también les inculcó el gusto y la pasión por el teatro y la música y pudo, además.